Augmented Paper for CAC
Through the technology present in augmented paper that contains a motif visible only to the small camera inserted in a special pen, the computer can detect what the composer is writing. This ‘before’ connection between paper and computer is completed by an ‘after’ connection from the computer to paper by printing on augmented paper, therefore creating an entirely new production cycle.
The goal of this project, extended upon request by the ANR, is to work in collaboration with artists and research workers to identify the possible musical applications that can come from the link between the computer support and augmented paper. Rather than replace paper, with its recognized properties of flexibility, comfort, and free association our approach consists of developing applications that combine the advantages of paper and electronic documents. In the long run, we would like to develop prototypes of applications in three core fields:
- Notation
In the field of musical composition, we are interested in both notation and annotation as both are complementary in their reflective nature for musical creation. - Writing Synthesis
Due to its flexibility of use and the subtlety of handwritten interaction compared to interaction via a mouse or even with a graphical tablet, paper remains the preferred support for the informal expression of artistic gestural ideas, and especially for writing down ideas for synthesis. In collaboration with the OpenMusic software program, this technology facilitates a natural evolution of various parameters for synthesis. - Teaching
The technology present in augmented paper is exceptionally interesting for musicologists and music teachers. By connecting a simple support, the printed score, to the MusiqueLab 2 software program, it is possible to work collaboratively and create new forms of interaction.
IRCAM'sTeams: Music Representations team, Analysis of Musical Practices.