Sound Analysis-Synthesis
The analysis of sounds includes methods enabling the permanent extraction or automatic structuring of diverse sorts of information given off by the signal, such as the fundamental frequency or the spectral evolution determining the pitch and timbre of a perceived sound.
Information outside what is strictly musical is also taken into consideration, notably concerning industrial acoustics, sound design and multimedia as well as the automatic indexing of recorded sounds. The methods used are based on signal processing, statistical analysis, learning techniques and deep learning, recognition techniques, but also on knowledge of auditory perception.
Techniques of transformation and synthesis are initially created to respond to the needs of musicians in the production of new sounds and new music.
A typical example of this is the computer synthesis of a virtual choir for an opera. However, the work is frequently applied to the fields of mobile telecommunications, video games, film, and virtual reality. Analysis and synthesis are based on the design of signal models (modeling the effects of sounds produced in terms of signals) as well as on models in the form of deep networks learned from large databases that are often generated or augmented using signal models. These models are realized in the form of libraries and software (Mac OS x, Windows and Linux), specifically designed for professional and non-professional users, musicians, but also sound engineers, acousticians, and enthusiasts.
Major Themes
- Signal Models : processing with a vocoder
- Sound Characterization, automatic indexing
- Analysis, characterization and transformation of musical recordngs
- Analysis, transformation and synthesis of the voice, conversion of speakers
Specialist Areas
Signal processing, statistics, information theory, learning techniques, form recognition, digital analysis, modeling.
- Dans le laboratoire de l'équipe © Philippe Barbosa
- Dans le laboratoire de l'équipe © Philippe Barbosa
- Logiciel The Snail © Philippe Barbosa
- Dans le laboratoire de l'équipe © Philippe Barbosa
- Dans le laboratoire de l'équipe © Philippe Barbosa
- Logiciel AudioSculpt © Philippe Barbosa
Aalto University (Finlande), Ableton (Germany), Acapela Group, Acoustic Research Institute (Autria), AudioGaming, Arte, Artipolis (Luxembourg), Dualo, Mines Paris Tech, Exalead, ExeQuo, France Télécom R&D/ Orange, Flying Eye (Germany), Game Audio Factory, Genesis SA, HHI Berlin (Germany), Idol, INESC, ISAE-SUPAERO, ISIR/Sorbonne Université, IUAV (Italia), Kantar Media, KTH (Sweden), LIMSI, LMA Marseille, LIA (univ. d’Avignon), Laboratoire Parole et Langage - Hôpital La Conception, NuHag (Autria), OFAI, ParisTech, Queen Mary University of London (United Kingdom), SCREAM National Cheng Kung University (Taïwan), Sky Deutschland (Germany), Smartlog, Smartsound, Sony Music France, Stupeflix, Ubisoft, UPF/MTG (Spain), université Huddersfield (United Kingdom), université Lumière-Lyon-2, université Paris-8, Univers Sons (UVI), Viddiga, Vizion’R, Voxygen, Yacast.Deutschland (Germany).
Research topics and related projects
Processing by Phase Vocoder
Techniques for the analysis and transformation of sounds
European and national projects
A European Excellence Centre for Media, Society and Democracy
Analyse et transformation de style de chant
ElaBoRation d’Une méthodologie d’EvaLuation des systèmes d’identification par la voix
Decentralized platform for fair creative content distribution empowering creators and communities through new digital distribution models based on digital tokens
Fight against fake videos of French personalities
Virtual Reading of Children's Stories: Expressive and Cognitive Aspects of Synthesized Voice
FuturePulse: Multimodal Predictive Analytics and Recommendation Services for the Music Industry
REvealing human bias with real Time VOcal deep fakes
Voice design for the creatives industries
Analyse de la qualité audio pour représenter, indexer et unifier les signaux
Softwares (design & development)
Max Sound Box
The Snail-Absolute Tuning
SuperVP for Max
Head Researcher : Axel Roebel
Researchers & Engineers : Remi Mignot, Nicolas Obin, Frederic Cornu, Axel Chemla-Romeu-Santos, Guillaume Doras, alice cohenhadria
Chargé(e) de développement : Mahdi Lakbar
PhD Students : Diego Andrés TORRES-GUARIN, Maximino Linares, Téo Guichoux, Simon ROUARD, Théodor Lemerle, Mathilde ABRASSART