Discover Research at IRCAM
IRCAM is home to the largest international laboratory dedicated to interdisciplinary research in music and sound science and technology: the joint research unit UMR9912 STMS (Sciences et technologies de la musique et du son), which brings together the CNRS, Sorbonne University, the French Ministry of Culture, and IRCAM.
Instrumental acoustics, sound spatialization, sound analysis and synthesis, sound design, neuro-cognition, computer-assisted composition and improvisation, analysis of creative processes... The list of themes addressed by the 7 research teams is long!
The Education and Documentation Department offers various formats for higher education students to find out more about IRCAM, the research carried out within the UMR STMS, and the software developed there :
- day or half-day meetings with UMR STMS researchers at IRCAM, including a tour of the institute
- workshop on an IRCAM technology
- intervention as part of an existing training program
If you would like to organize an event with IRCAM, feel free to contact us to talk over the possibilities!
Information info-pedagogie (@)