Sound Systems and Signals: Audio/Acoustics, InstruMents
The team is interested in exploring, understanding, reproducing, and inventing sound objects in audio, acoustics, focusing on musical instruments and the production of the human voice.
More precisely, the objectives are to model, simulate, identify, and optimize these systems (voice, musician/instrument, loudspeakers, audio electronic effects, etc.) using physics to reveal and benefit from heir intrinsic structures. The team creates methods for analysis, transformation, control, and simulation of sounds as well as tools to
assist conception in virtual, real, or hybrid paradigms.
This global approach, “systems and signals” creates a synergy in the conception of these tools, connecting—not merely juxtaposing—several disciplines and scientific fields: physics, theory of systems and control, differential geometry, numerical analysis, signal processing, computer science, electronics, mechatronics, and robotics.
Target applications concern scientific, artistic, educational, and healthcare domains.
Major Themes
- Physical modeling of musical instruments and voice
- Sound synthesis based on physical modeling
- Modeling physical audio systems and loudspeakers
- Experimental robotic platforms: robotic bow, robotic artificial mouth to play brass instruments, robotic apparatus at a 1:1 scale
- Identification of non-linear systems
- Control of non-linear systems and historical objects
- Augmented instruments, hybrid instruments
- Augmented lutherie
Specialist Areas
Acoustics, mechanics, non-linear systems, automatic and control, signal theory, differential geometry, digital analysis, experimentation, mechatronics, real and virtual instrument-making, sound synthesis.
- © Philippe Barbosa
- © Philippe Barbosa
- © Philippe Barbosa
Athena-RIC (Greece), Cabrilog SAS (France), Cambridge University (United Kingdom), C2RMF-Louvre, C2RMF et Louvre-Lens (Paris), Centre Bernoulli-EPFL (Switzerland), CHU Liège, EPCC-Edinburgh Univ. (United Kingdom), GIPSA-lab (Grenoble), IJLRA-Sorbonne Université (Paris), IMJPRG-Sorbonne Université (Paris), Imperial College London (United Kingdom), ISAE-SUPAÉRO (Toulouse), LAGEP-université Lyon-1 (Lyon), LaSiE-université de la La Rochelle (France), LEOPOLY (Hongrie), LMA-CNRS (Marseille), LMD-ENS (Paris), Mines ParisTech (Paris), Musée de la musique - Philharmonie de Paris, NTNU (Trondheim, Norway), Thalès Group (France).
Research topics and related projects
Augmented instrument-making
Prototypes of musical instruments, or components of musical instruments, that can be used in concert have been produced in this project
The Augmented Instruments
Acoustic instruments that have been fitted with sensors
European and national projects
Analyseur temps-réel haute précision de justesse et de timbre pour instruments musicaux
Artificial Voice production: control of bio-inspired port-hAmilToniAn numeRical and mechatronic modelS
Decentralized platform for fair creative content distribution empowering creators and communities through new digital distribution models based on digital tokens
Interconnected inFInite-Dimensional systems for HEterogeneous Media
Ondes Martenot
Virtualisation d’instruments de musique électroniques et clonage analogique/numérique de composants pour la conservation
Web Audio Semantic Aggregated in the Browser for Indexation
Softwares (design & development)
The Snail-Absolute Tuning
Head Researcher : Thomas Hélie
Researchers & Engineers : David Roze, Henri Boutin
Chargé(e) de développement : Robert Piéchaud
PhD Students : César DELOMOSNE, Paul Estève, Thomas Risse, Vincent Martos