José Miguel Fernandez et Raphaël Foulon
José Miguel Fernández was born in Osorno, Chile in 1973. He received his bachelor of music and composition from the University of Chile in 1995. In 1996 he studied computer music at LIPM in Buenos Aires, Argentina. From 2000 to 2004 he studied instrumental composition and computer music at the CNSMD (Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et Danse) of Lyon, France. After receiving his diploma from the CNSMD, he attended the one-year course in composition and computer music at IRCAM in Paris.
He composed works of instrumental, electroacoustic and mixed music. Fernández' works have been performed in various countries and contemporary music festivals in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Australia. He received commissions from the Cultural Council of Chilean Government, the Ministère de la Culture of French Government, Grame-EOC, EXPERIMENTALSTUDIO, Aujourd’hui Musiques, Bienale di Venezia and others. He has been selected finalist in the Bourges electroacoustic competition in 2000 and winner of international composition competitions GRAME/Ensemble Orchestral Contemporain in 2008, Lyon, France and the Giga-Hertz Preis for electronic music from ZKM and EXPERIMENTALSTUDIO in 2010, Germany. In addition to his compositional activities, he has worked as computer music designer, realizing the live electronics works for many composers at different institutions including IRCAM, GRAME and La Muse en Circuit in France and EXPERIMENTALSTUDIO and ZKM in Germany.
Since December 2017, José Miguel Fernández has been working on a PhD at the STMS laboratory funded by Sorbonne University/Collegium Musicæ. His work, entitled Towards a unified system of interaction and synchronization in electroacoustic and mixed composition: the centralized digital scores aims to develop a notion of score allowing the definition and general control of all electronic, interaction and synchronization processes within the same environment, integrating musical, gestural and visual events. This work won the Best Paper Presentation Award at the ICMC international conference in 2019.
2019.20 Artistic Research Residency
Las Pintas.
In collaboration with the Musical Representations IRCAM-STMS Team.
The main objective of the residency is to create an audiovisual work in which music and video merge into a single artistic object through a research for relations and analogies between the two media and the synchronization of generative audio and video processes.
Today, there are several sound and video creation systems, computer-assisted composition systems and interactive systems for audiovisual creation. Often these systems are quite fixed and do not allow to interact in a flexible way music and video in real time, or do not allow a precise writing of audiovisual parameters and their evolution over time. Thanks to the flexibility of the computer environments that will be used in this project we will be able to compose in a precise, fine and synchronized way interactive audiovisual events, for a diffusion in an immersive environment. The final result can be presented as a performance with the intervention and manipulation in real time of the audiovisual elements as well as in the form of an autonomous installation.
The visual artist Raphaël Foulon and the composer José Miguel Fernández share a common approach: both conceive the software that underlies their creation. Beyond software, they create logical environments whose symbiosis sees the emergence of complex and coherent audiovisual processes.