A center for research and artistic creation, IRCAM is also a unique venue for learning and the transmission of practices. Discover our educational offer via concerts, films, sound installations. Meet composers, students, and musicians involved. Watch short, fun demonstrations of software developed at the institute.
Studio 2 | The DIRTI (Dirty Tangible Interfaces)
An interactive, playful, sonic system to test as a family
Gathered around independent, different-sized interactive boxes, children are invited to dig their hands into different materials that fill the boxes: feathers, tree bark, tapioca pearls. By manipulating the materials sound events are triggered, creating infinite individual or collective musical combinations.
Création musicale : Emmanuelle Lizère, Ariadna Alsina Tarrés
Conception: Matthieu Savary - User Studio
Conseillers techniques Ircam-STMS : Grégoire Lorieux, Diemo Schwarz, Emmanuel Fléty
Studio 3 | Discover Computer Music
3 & 3:30pm | Live Coding Creation and manipulation of a real-time sound processing program (Max) Jean Lochard, computer music designer/professor |
4 & 4:30pm | Voice Processing Manipulation of a real-time voice processing program (Max) Marco Liuni, computer music designer/professor and researcher in the team Cream (Cracking the Emotional Code of Music) |
5 & 5:30pm | Sculpt the Voice Voice analysis and transformation (AudioSculpt) Marco Liuni |
Studio 5 | Compose, Interpret, Transmit
Introduction by Philippe Langlois | |
3pm | Concert Ariadna Alsina Tarrés, L’air cassé de la carapace (2016) 9’ Caroline De Nadaï accordion IRCAM Computer Music Control Grégoire Lorieux |
4pm | Concert Franck Bedrossian, The Edges are no longer Parallel (2013) 12’ Flavien Laffaille piano IRCAM Computer Music Control Jean Lochard |
Concerts followed by a discussion led by Grégoire Lorieux on teaching mixed music with the composers performed and the musicians.
5pm | Sound Design Diploma With Émile Boudghène and Olivier Houix |
Information Desk on the educational activities at IRCAM
L’Électron, electroacoustic installation by Émile Boudghène inspired by Cristal Baschet
3-5pm : free entry
4:45 & 5:30pm: Résonances performance by and with Émile Boudghène
Conserve and Transmit: Resources Available at IRCAM
Exposition of scores and documentation from IRCAM’s multimedia library complete with musical surprises throughout the afternoon!
Salle Shannon | Films
“A Year in the Cursus” 4-part series (35’) produced by Sophie Paviot (2016-2017)
Follow a class of young composers in the Cursus program at IRCAM throughout the year from their arrival in September until the concert presentation of their final works in during the ManiFeste festival.
Screening of a selection of films from the series “Images of a Work”
Follow the creative process of a work as it comes to life in IRCAM’s studios.
L’équipe du département pédagogie, action culturelle et documentation : Philippe Langlois directeur, Sophie Chassard, Murielle Ducas, Cyrielle Fiolet chargées d’études et de réalisations culturelles, Simone Conforti, Marco Liuni, Jean Lochard, Grégoire Lorieux, Mikhail Malt réalisateurs en informatique musicale chargés de l'enseignement, Thierry De Mey compositeur associé au Cursus, Pôle documentaire Aurore Baudin, Roseline Drapeau documentalistes hypermédia, Jean-Paul Rodrigues magasinier.
Avec Émile Boudghène, diplômé du DNSEP Design sonore de l’École supérieure d’art et de design Tours-Angers-Le Mans, Olivier Houix, chercheur, équipe Perception et design sonores Ircam-STMS
- Jean Lochard, réalisateur en informatique musicale avec Cameron Crozman, violoncelliste et Maurizio Azzan, compositeur du Cursus © Quentin Chevrier, 2018
- Parcours musique mixte © Florence Grappin
- Parcours d'éducation artistique et culturelle