Claudia Jane Scroccaro

Claudia Jane Scroccaro (Italy, b. 1984) obtained her master’s degree in composition at the HMDK Stuttgart, studying composition and electronic music with Marco Stroppa, while attending masterclasses held by Philippe Leroux, Franck Bedrossian and Nicolas Tzortzis. Her music has been performed in Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Lithuania, and United States. She has been composer in residence for the Music Innovation and Science Centre in Vilnius (2016) and for the Thüringer Symphoniker Saalfeld-Rudolstadt (2018).

The sonic aspect holds a dominant role in her work and it reflects deep interests for electronic music and for music of aural tradition. Her creative approach explores a musical dramaturgy shifting between a humanly perceivable listening experience and microphonic projections of the dynamic properties of sound on multi-dimensional spaces.