Jean-Julien Aucouturier is awarded the Emergence scientifique prize from the Fondation Pour l’Audition
Every year, the Fondation Pour l’Audition (lit. the Foundation for Hearing) rewards pioneering personalities in the world of clinical and fundamental research providing new opportunities for their work in the field of audition. The ceremony to discern the three scientific awards for 2018 was held on Thursday, November 15th.
Jean-Julien Aucouturier, researcher in the Sound Design and Perception team at IRCAM (STMS - CNRS/Ircam/Sorbonne Université/Ministère de la Culture), was awarded the Emergence scientifique prize for his fundamental research. His work focuses on understanding emotions in speech and music using unique and innovative approaches. Along with his team, he perfected a software program that makes it possible to modify the intonation of a word. This software lets him study how the brain perceives these nuances and identifies the speaker’s intentions.
Jean-Julien also developed a tool capable of simulating the “acoustic fingerprint” of a smile during a conversation. These studied opened the path to “cognitive prothesis”, a new generation of auditory prothesis that can decode emotions and attitudes expressed in a voice, providing access to more complete social interactions. They also make it possible to broaden speech therapy processes and include a social dimension of language to audio comprehension.
The Fondation pour l’Audition
The foundation has been recognized to be of public utility since 2016. It’s ambition is to unite talents to promote breakthroughs and improve the quality of life of people with hearing loss. The foundation’s mission is twofold: support research and innovation to provide other possibilities and advance the cause, and to mobilize public opinion via prevention and education to protect the hearing of everyone.