December 17
Wed 19 December 2018,
10 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.
10 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.
salle NonoLanguage
Student Price : 750 €
Software Training
Upon completion of this training, participants will have appropriated the theories and techniques to develop audio contents on the web, using the potential of dedicated programming languages and Web Audio API. Participants will be able to use:
- The principle elements of Web Audio API,
- Control and interaction interfaces (GUI, motion sensors)
- Communication in real-time with a Node.js server (WebSockets) and external applications such as Max (Osc)
Developers, musicians, composers, teachers
No prerequisite necessary
Assessment: evaluation of projects carried out throughout the program.
A certificate at the end of the program is given to each participant with the results of the exam.
Morning | Theoretical background: introduction to using the web for musical and artistic creation. Understand the different elements that make up a web-based performance: server, client, network communications, hosting, etc. Hands-on session:study the architecture and requirements of web applications: an interactive web page to promote an album, localized exploration of a soundscape, use of the audience’s smartphones as a network of loudspeakers during a performance, etc. |
Afternoon | Theoretical background: introduction to JavaScript, HTML, CSS ; Hands-on session: first steps with Web Audio API: simple synthesis modules and reading audio. |
Morning | Theoretical background: setting up a programming environment (NodeJS, npm) ; Hands-on session: first steps with Web Audio API: organizing sounds in time, the step sequencer. |
Afternoon | Theoretical background: API connections: DeviceMotion, Geolocation, Canvas 2d and 3d, etc. Hands-on session: design and produce an interactive audio experienc. |
Morning | Theoretical background: introduction to network protocols and client-server architectures (TCP, OSC, etc.) Hands-on session: communication between Max, a NodeJS server, and web clients. |
Aftenoon | Conclusions: - discussion on the strong and weak point of the frameworks Max and Web Audio, know how to choose one or the other depending on an installation’s requirements; - problems connected to hosting and implementing an interactive sound installation using web audio technologies. |