Multimodal Database of vocal and gestural imitations elicited by sounds.

This multimodal database, of vocal and gestural imitations elicited by sounds and described in terms of the phonatory and articulatory configurations is the result of a collaborative research project called Skat Vg as Sketching Audio Technologies using Vocalizations and Gestures, funded by the European Commission under FET-Open grant number: 61806.

The complete database consists of three complementary databases:

1) Vocal and gestural database (Ircam) consisting of imitations of 52 referent sounds (Corpus A) produced by French amateur imitators. The referent sounds are as follows:

- Machine sounds (12)
- Basic physical interactions (12)
- Abstract sounds (10).

On top of the vocal and gestural imitations, the Database also contains video recordings, sensors data and acoustical descriptors of each imitation. The database is structured into three different folders named after the three principal families of referent sounds and their associated imitations, further classified according to the imitators;

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2) A subset of the first database, the vocal imitations database (Ircam) is created by the French amateur imitators. Each sound (Corpus A) is described in terms of the phonatory and articulatory configurations annotated by experienced phoneticians (KTH). The database is structured as continuous file of the 52 imitations for each imitator and the associated  ELAN file;

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3) A multimodal database (KTH) consisting of vocal imitations of 50 different referent sounds (Corpus B) which are made by Swedish-speaking professional actors. Each vocal imitation is described in terms of the phonatory and articulatory configurations employed for each sound production. These configurations were assessed and annotated by experienced phoneticians, using recordings of the high-fidelity audio, dual-camera video, and electroglottographic (EGG) recordings. The database is structured as continuous file of the 50 imitations of each professional actor and the associate Elan file.

The database is divided into 4 archives:
• Please read the terms and conditions of use and then login to download
• Please read the terms and conditions of use and then login to download
• Please read the terms and conditions of use and then login to download
• Please read the terms and conditions of use and then login to download

Each database contains an explanatory text detailing the structure and the
different files.

Terms and conditions of use of the database

People who would like to download the recordings must follow the steps below:

- please send a mail to skatvg.database[at] to get a login
- then you can login at the bottom of this page
- accept the following conditions pertaining to the recordings:
- The data should be used only for education and research purposes.
- Any form of commercial, as well as artistic reproduction or reuse is completely prohibited;
- Copies of the data can be made only for research, and educational use. Except fot these requirements, no copies should be created under any other circumstance;
- Citing the reference of the database in each publication

or presentation referring to, and/or using this database, is mandatory. Use the following reference for citation:

``Multimodal database of vocal and gestural imitations elicited by sounds, Copyright KTH & Ircam, created with the financial support of the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) program within the Seventh Framework Program for Research of the European Commission under FET-Open grant number: 618067''.


Ircam and KTH would not be responsible for any form of misuse of the data. The end-user/s is/are solely liable for any kind of abuse of data.

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