Olivier Houix

Olivier Houix has a PhD in acoustics in 2003 from the université du Maine, Le Mans, France. His research interests concern the perception of environmental sounds, the gesture-sound relationship applied to sound design and the sound design methodology (sound prototypes and tools). He teaches sound practice and sound technologies at the superior school of Fine Arts TALM Le Mans, specially for students who have enrolled for the master program in sound design.

He is currently doing his research as part of the Sound Design and Perception Team at IRCAM (Paris, France), where he is involved in national and European research projects such as CLOSED (Closing the Loop of Sound Evaluation and Design) and Skat-VG project (Sketching Audio Technologies using Vocalizations and Gestures) but also in industrial projects.

Email : Olivier.Houix (at) ircam.fr
