Chaya Czernowin

Composer (born in 1957)
Chaya Czernowin   is a composer whose have been played worldwide. She was composer in residence in Salzburg festival, and Lucerne Festival,  She is Walter Bigelow Rosen Professor of Music at Harvard University and was a Professor for Composition at the University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna Austria and UCSD.

Czernowin works imaginatively and analytically with metaphors as a means of reaching a sound world which is unfamiliar.  Things can appear and disappear at any time- it is an existential state where safety is not easily earned, She works towards creating a vital, visceral direct and real sonic experience which goes  beyond  style conventions or rationality  to give a voice to what is hidden from one’s view. Main pieces: Pnima, Maim, and HIDDEN.

Czernowin received  numerous awards such as the Siemens Foundation Composer Prize, Guggenheim fellowship, and  Kranichsteiner Musikpreis, Bayerischer Theaterpreis, PNIMA was chosen as the best new opera in 2000 in the Opernwelt critics survey. The CD the quiet won the of the German  record’s critics quarterly award.. Her work is published by Schott.
