2 p.m.- 6 p.m.
Free Entry
Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles
Féminisme - Musique - Technologie
After a first seminar on cyber-feminism, this meeting provides an overview of actions carried out in Europe on issues related to feminism in the fields of music and technology, such as "FACT///. - Feminist Approaches to Computational Technology Network" in Brighton, the IFTE network "The Intersections, Feminism, Technology & Digital Humanities network", or Women Nordic Music Technology (WoNoMute). The presentations are given by researchers and artists who address these themes by crossing social issues of inclusion and intersectionality with technological and cultural contexts. They are followed by discussions with the public.
With Caroline Bassett, Professor University of Cambridge (United Kingdom),
Cécile Chevalier, Lecturer University of Sussex (United Kingdom),
Sharon Webb, Lecturer University of Sussex (United Kingdom),
Karolina Jawad, NTNU/UiO researcher (Norway),
Anna Xambó Sedó, Senior Lecturer De Montfort University (UK),
Emma Frid, IRCAM-STMS researcher,
Hyacinthe Ravet, Sorbonne University professor and Institute for Research in Musicology (IReMus)
and the participation of artists: Claire Williams, Sarah Wery, Charo Calvo.
Organized by Sarah Fdili Alaoui (Université Paris-Saclay, LISN), Frédéric Bevilacqua (IRCAM-STMS), Stéphanie Pécourt, Sara Anedda (Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles), Suzanne Berthy, Sylvie Benoit (IRCAM)
With the collaboration of Nova_XX, an international biennial dedicated to technological, scientific and artistic innovation in women's fashion and in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution 4.0, an initiative of the Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles | Paris