10 a.m.
Entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles
According to Katerine Meizel in her essay “Une voix puissante : enquête sur la vocalité et l’identité” (lit. A powerful voice: an investigation into vocality and identity) published in the magazine Volume!, “Vocality encompasses the act of vocalization and the entirety of what is being vocalized - that is, a series of vocal sounds, practices, techniques and meanings that include the cultural construction and negotiation of identity. [It] is inseparable from the way we interact with the world around us, and from the way we perceive our own identity.”
This one-day seminar aims to bridge different disciplinary approaches to the subject of vocality, from musicological and analytical approaches to phonetic, acoustic, and linguistic approaches, not forgetting recent advances in the field of discourse and representation.
Organization: Pierre Fargeton (lecturer in musicology at the Université Jean-Monnet - Saint-Etienne, and member of the IHRIM) and Clément Canonne (CNRS research director and head of the Analysis of Musical Practices team at the STMS joint research lab at IRCAM)
With the support of the Analysis of Musical Practices team at the STMS joint research lab at and the Institut d’histoire des représentations et des idées dans les modernités (IHRIM, Université Jean-Monnet - Saint-Etienne).