IRCAM in Darmstadt
IRCAM will be present with a series of presentations, workshops and showcases from 16 to 26 July during the 2018 edition of the Darmstadt Summer Course.
July, 16, 10:00am-noon | Overview of IRCAM
By Grégoire Lorieux, composer, IRCAM computer music designer & professor.
This conference will present the institute's activities both in the scientific and R&D domains as well as in the artistic domain.
Open to all Darmstadt Academy participants
July, 17-21, 10:00am-5:30pm | CataRT Workshop
CataRT is a technology devoted to structuring sound grains obtained from large sound data bases of any kind according to sound characteristics automatically analyzed and chosen by the user. Thus, sound data bases and archives may be explored quickly and intuitively for use in the areas of musical composition, sound design, live performance and improvisation.
The workshop will be mainly devoted to presenting the technology and giving participants the chance to use it via “hands-on” sessions in order to acquire the skills necessary for creating compositions, installations, digital instruments and personalized creative tools. At the end of the workshop performances will take place for presenting the participants projects as well as works by invited artists.
This workshop will be led by Diemo Schwarz (researcher, IRCAM-STMS team Sound Music Movement Interaction) and Mikhail Malt (IRCAM computer music designer & professor), with the participation of Christopher Trapani, Aaron Einbond (composers) and Alexis Baskind (computer music designer).
The workshop is complete
Photo: Presentation of CataRT by Diemo Schwarz
July, 22 & 23 | Music Computing in Live Electronics and Improvisation
July, 22, 10:00am-5:30pm: Live coding presentation & workshop
July, 23, 10:00am-noon: Improvisation
This workshop will focus on new interactive approaches to computation and music composition, where musical form and structure are defined and generated dynamically during a live performance. A first part will be devoted to the concept of live coding, giving an overview of the field, its philosophy and trends, with a demonstration by Thor Magnusson from the University of Sussex, main designer of the ixi-lang live coding language. The second part will focus on human-computer improvisation and the notion of autonomous agent co-improvised contexts, and will feature an interactive demonstration of the DICY2 software framework developed by Jérôme Nika at IRCAM, with the participation of Rémi Fox, saxophonist.
Open to all Darmstadt Academy participants
July, 24-26, 10:00am-5:30pm | Web Based Musical Applications for Collective Interaction
The possibility of creating musical applications embedded in web pages has opened new areas of exploration in the areas of musical composition, sound design, gaming and pedagogy. Importantly, such web pages can be used in smartphones, which allows for creating large multi-source sonic environments. Using the mobile capabilities (from the touch screen to the motion sensors), one can design new types of collective/participative interactive musical systems.
This workshop will be devoted to presenting some of the main technologies used in this area while giving participants the chance to discover and discuss the concepts and create small projects. At the end of the workshop performances will take place for presenting the results of the participants' work as well as performances by invited artists active in this domain.
This workshop will be led by Frédéric Bevilacqua and Benjamin Matuszewski (IRCAM-STMS research team Sound Music Movement Interaction) in collaboration with Norbert Schnell (Professor of Music Design at Hochschule Furtwangen University). With a performance of Huihui Cheng, composer.
Open to all Darmstadt Academy participants, on registration.