TheVoice addresses voice design for the production of contents in the field of creative industries (films, series, documentaries). This is a particularly important field in terms of industrial possibilities while extremely demanding in terms of quality. The project stems from a simple observation:the production of voices is carried out exclusively by humans in a field that is practically entirely digital.
The scientific and technological objectives of the project are to model the “vocal palette” of actors in order to create recommendations of voices by similarity as well as the creation of artificial voices capable of reproducing the vocal identity of an actor. The project will change today’s uses through the production and industrialization of new technologies for the creation of natural and expressive vocal contents. The consortium, supported by a major player in the industry of creation of digital contents and made up of renowned research laboratories, aims to consolidate its position of excellence in digital research and technologies “made in France” as well as the promotion of French culture abroad.
IRCAM's Team : Sound Analysis-Synthesis