Guillaume Pellerin

Guillaume Pellerin is a researcher and a lead developer in collaborative, Web oriented and open source technologies. He currently serves as Head of the Web Team at IRCAM, Paris.

He has been graduated from the Eng. high school Arts et Métiers ParisTech in 2000, validated the Msc. degree ATIAM from Sorbonne Universités, Paris and then received a Ph.D in mechanics and non-linear acoustics for which he developed an innovative very low frequency loudspeaker system. He has been an associated professor and researcher at CNAM, Paris on various scientific topics often related to sound such as room acoustics, aero-acoustics, electro-acoustics, electricity, signal processing and computer programming.

As a CEO, he funded the company Parisson in 2007 to create and develop new open source and collaborative platforms dedicated to digital humanities, laboratories and universities: a multimedia archiving and content management system for computational musicology (Telemeta project), a live video oriented e-learning platform (TeleForma project), an embedded mobile recording and streaming solution (TeleCaster project). As a CTO, he has been involved in several industrial deployment actions and research projects including various partners like CNRS, Musée de l'Homme, Sorbonne Universités, Université d'Orsay, Université de Toulouse, Queen Mary University and New York University.

At IRCAM, he now leads the Web development and the coordination of various research and institutional projects in the context of open innovation involving: high level and modular software architectures, semi-automatic and big data analysis technics, collaborative and evolutive editing platforms, Web audio and Web semantic standard technologies.

Courriel : Guillaume.Pellerin (at)
