
Festival Intégrale

Intégrale is the new festival created by  IRCAM and La Scala Paris. This first edition navigates through the universe of Scriabine’s sonatas echoed by works for piano and electronics by living composers. Intégrale is both a dive into the acoustics of La Scala Paris equipped with a unique sound system, a dive into the fleeting corpus of a composer—Scriabine—a rediscovery of great works produced at IRCAM, and the adventure of a new generation of performers, finding accomplishment in both the repertoire and contemporary creation.

1872-1915, the short existence of Alexandre Scriabine never hinted at a life of invention during a time of revolutions. Infatuated with synesthesia and mysticism, Scriabine used piano sonatas as a crucible for his harmonic and formal research, from his first post-romantic pieces until his black and white masses that were his final works.